Words and Phrases I Wish Existed in English

Alternate Titles: Google Translate Isn’t Cutting It, Key Terms of My Spanglish 

Word: Desahogar

Google Translation: unburden

Maggie Translation: Let it out, vent, cry 

Context: When someone is crying and says “I don’t know why I am crying,” you might respond with, “it’s ok, you need to desahogar.”

Word: Aprovechar 

Google Translation: Take advantage of

Maggie Translation: Making lemonade out of lemons, take advantage of – without the negative connotations 

Context: Yo aprovecho all the long weekends in Colombia by traveling. 

Phrase: Quedo atenta

Google Translation: I stay tuned

Maggie Translation: I am ready for your updates 

Context: You’re texting someone to make plans. They tell you they are still waiting on their work schedule, but should have it soon. You respond “ok, quedo atenta.”

Word: Gosar 

Google Translation: Enjoy 

Maggie Translation: Enjoy deeply and spiritually, feeling it in your bones

Context: We are going to gosar in the sun at the beach this weekend.

Word: Empalagoso 

Google Translation: Cloying 

Maggie Translation: Too sweet or too creamy, the feeling a food gives you when you just can’t handle another bite 

Context: Peanut butter can be empalagoso.

Word: Amar

Google Translation: Love

Maggie Translation: Love times three, adore, be in love with 

Context: It’s a big deal to say te amo to someone. 

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